Saturday, July 4, 2015

Family History

     The past three years have been such a blessing in my life.  I have always been interested in family history and have done it off and on for many years.  More vigorous at times than at others but always dabbling in it.  Then after our mission to Micronesia Guam, we worked in the Idaho Falls Temple for 3 years and then decided to do a service mission at the BYU-Idaho Family History Center.  That was three years ago and we just keep extending our mission because we love it so much.  We have learned a great deal and have worked extensively on our own lines.
     We now have a couple of daughters and a grandson who are totally addicted to family history.  It has been such a joy and blessing to work with them.  They are pretty faithful in coming to the center when we are there.  The Temple has taken on a whole new perspective too.  We cannot miss our weekly visit to the Temple.  Between all of us we have literally found hundreds of names.  It is awesome.
     I remember when I was in 8th grade, we had to learn a poem and recite it to the class.  I chose a poem on family history.  That's how much I have always loved it.  I thought I would take the opportunity to share that poem for this week's blog entry.  Hope you enjoy it too.  I have no idea who the author is.
My Dream
I dreamed my Father called me home across the great divide.
I was very much bewildered.  I thought surely I had died.

Saint Peter met me at the gate.  He said, "Come follow me."
"There's something I must show you; something you must see."

Then I saw rows of people standing in a line.
When I looked them over, I found they were relatives of mine.

Some among the massive crowd I remembered well;
Some lived long years before I came on earth to dwell.

There were my great grandparents, whom I was pleased to see,
But when I walked toward them, they turned away from me.

Then I saw my cousins, my Uncles and my Aunts,
They said to me accusingly, "We didn't have a chance.

To do the work that must be done to start us on our way;
To gain for us Eternal Life, so here we have to stay."

My Father and my Mother, too, were standing far apart.
They looked so disappointed it made the tear drops start.

I turned and saw my Savior, on His face there was a frown.
"I died upon the cross for them and now you've let them down.

Behold your noble ancestors waiting for the day,
When you would open up the gates and help them on their way."

My heart was very heavy as I looked these people o'er.
The blinding tears ran down my face.  I turned to Him once more.

"Please, Blessed Savior, send me back.  I'll make another try.
I'll do the work for all my kin.  I'm not prepared to die.

I will not miss a single one.  I'm so ashamed Dear Lord.
I'll try to do each ordinance according to Thy word."

Then I awoke, the dream was gone.  I had not passed away;
But I made a resolution to start that very day.

Baptisms, Endowments, Sealing.  I found there were not a few.
The more I seared and searched the more I found to do.

But I will keep on hunting and searching all the while.
The next time I meet my ancestors, I'll meet them with a smile.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. I will use it in our Family History classes. I love your blog. I still have so much to read but I appreciate it so much. I can only imagine how much work it is for you. Thank you so much! Love you!


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