Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 31

Question:  Share a memory involving an outhouse.

Answer:  I am so glad I have a bathroom.  Cleo would go out with me at night, then he would throw rocks at it while I was in there.  I told him for doing that to me, I wouldn't get up and fix is breakfast while he is out doing the chores.  I didn't and he didn't throw any more rocks when he went out with me at night.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 30

Question:  Tell about an incident when your mom or dad was very angry with you.

Answer:  When I went to Salt Lake City, Utah, after a dance and didn't get home till 6:00 a.m.  Dad made me change my clothes and get breakfast and Mom made me go to school.  I went and slept in seminary and through 2 other class periods.  So did all the other kids who got home late.  I was sorry I worried my Mom and Dad.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 29

Question:  Tell about an accident when you were very angry with your mom or dad.

Answer:  I can't remember of ever being very angry at Mom and Dad.

George Kidd Proctor and Annie Ludlow Proctor

Autobiography of Rozella Proctor-Part Two

Rozella Proctor
1 June 1909-12 December 1955

Chapter Two
School Days

     When I was six years old, I started school.  The school house was about three mile from where we lived.  But every morning my brother and I would get up very early, and by eight o’clock we would be one our way to the school house.  We would ride a horse.
     The first day or two I did not like school at all, but it was not long till I knew almost all the children going to school, and I soon learned to love school.  I had many friends.  Once in a while, one of the girls and I had a quarrel, but the next day everything would be alright again.
     During the vacation the next summer we moved to our new house, and there we had many neighbors who had children, and we had a merry time that summer, and were already for school to start in September.  This time we lived two and a half miles from school, and during the good weather we would walk to school; we surely had a good time during the nine months of school.
     In the winter, once in a while we would walk to school.  Sometimes we would get in to drifts that would go up to our knees.  Then we would have to wallow out again.
     When I was in the second grade my friend and I got ahead of the rest of the class in our studies, so we were promoted to the third grade.  We were only in the third grade about a month and a half, and we were promoted to the fourth grade, and I tell you we surely thought we were big.
Home in Wapello, Idaho (Circa 1914)


Chapter 3
My Accident
Chapter III-My Accident
     On the first of May 1919, we moved to Aberdeen, a small town about forty five miles from Blackfoot.  Then on the 17th of May we went to Blackfoot to go to a conference at the tabernacle.  While we were there we stayed at my Aunt’s who lived about a block from where we had lived before we moved to Aberdeen.
Home in Aberdeen, Idaho

     That night all the children in the neighborhood came over, and we surely had a glorious time.  We played every game we could think of.
     The next morning my two cousins, my brother and sister got up at six o’clock and went over to the neighbor’s before breakfast and began climbing trees, that is; all of us did but Ethel.
     At breakfast Mama told us not to be climbing around or we would get hurt.  But we knew better, so after breakfast we went over to the neighbors again (we were just going to stay a while because I was going to visit my chum.)  We began finding bird’s nests.  While one of the boys was up almost to the top of a tree, one of us found a bird’s next that was only about fifteen feet from the ground.  I was as good a climber as any of the boys, so up I went.  I got one next then I spied another about a foot farther up.  I could hardly reach it, so I went to climb another limb.  And-----down I went.
     One of the kids ran to pick me up, while Ethel ran to get Mama.  It seemed for a while as if I was in kind of a daze and I did not want to get up, but when I went to get up, I couldn’t.  Mama and Papa soon came.  (Papa was all ready to go to conference) and picked me up and carried me to a bed.  I haven’t been able to walk since.  

To be continued

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 28

Question:  Tell about going to box socials or pot lucks.

Answer:  We fixed up box lunches and had guys bid on them, hoping the guy we  liked got our box we made.  Our families has had pot luck where we all furnished something.  Had lots of food and lots of fun.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 27

Question:  Did you ever have a fire in your home or accidentally catch something on fire?

Answer:  Kay and Darrell were playing with matched and set a fire in our garbage basket and it scorched the side of my washer which was by it, before we got it put out.  We were very lucky.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 26

Describe how you used the phone to call a friend.

Answer:  Years ago we used to give an operator the number and she would get the party for us.  Then later we could ring the number and get it ourselves.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 25

Question:  If you ever had a hero, tell who.  Tell why.

Answer:  My Father and Mother.  They were always there for me and listened when I needed someone to talk too.

Annie Ludlow and George Kidd Proctor

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 24

Question:  Did you have to abide by a curfew as a youth?

Answer:  Yes--In home at 10:00 p.m. on school nights and midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 23

Question:  Tell about another favorite toy.

Answer:  Darrell, my son, won a lot of dogs at the Blackfoot fair before he was married.  He gave me a purple french poodle.  It's on my bed now.  This is also a favorite of mine.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Autobiography of Rozella Proctor-Part One

Rozella Proctor
1 June 1909-12 December 1955

I am fortunate to have a hand-written copy of my Aunt Rozella Proctor's Life Story.  It is in a hand-made paper bound booklet tied with pink ribbon.  It is priceless to me.  Aunt Rozella fell from a tree and broke her back in 1919 and never walked again.  My Grandpa and Grandma Proctor took such great care of her.
Grandma. Grandpa and Rozella Proctor
 I can remember visiting them in Tooele, Utah and seeing Aunt Rozella's wooden wheelchair.
Inez, Grandma, Grandpa and Rozella Proctor
We liked to sit in it and ride around in it.  Grandpa and Grandma had her hospital bed set up in their small living room.
 She was always so pleasant and sweet.  I don't ever remember her saying a cross word or complaining about her condition.  I loved her dearly.  She died at the tender age of 46.   She was 10 when she broke her back and was never to walk again for 35 years.  As you can see from her death certificate, she died from old fractured back and coronary occlusion.

I think you will enjoy reading of this event in her own words.

Chapter One
My Childhood
   I guess I should begin my story by saying, I was born June 1st, 1909, at Benjamin, Utah.  I was the oldest girl in a family of six.
Back row: Rozella, Elwood Leslie, and Ethel Proctor.
Baby standing in front:  Max Kidd Proctor

     When I was three years old my oldest brother was drowned while we were on a trip. [This brother was James Ezra Proctor.]
     While I was still a small child, I fell down the steps of a porch with a syrup bucket in my hands, and cut the side of my nose open.  Papa took some adhesive plaster and stuck the side of my nose down, and it was soon well again, although I have a scar there yet.
     One day the threshers came to our place to thrash our wheat, and at dinner time I went out to tell the men to come to dinner.  I had to go thru the cow pasture, where we had several cows.  One of them had horns, but she seemed gentle.  So I went into the pasture “as big as you please,” not thinking much about the cow.  All at once the cow with the horns came and hooked me.
     The horn struck me right by the eye.  If it had come half an inch closer, I would have been hit right in the eye, which would probably have blinded me.
     When I was about five years “young” we moved to Idaho.  We lived in a small house by the railroad track while our new home was being built.

To be continued 

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 22

Question:  Tell about a favorite doll, teddy bear, or other stuffed animal.

Answer:  I have a Teddy Bear now that my son, Theron got at the Blackfoot fair before he went on a mission.  Lois, my daughter, made me a grandma doll, a large dog and a small one.  These are all favorite ones of mine.  Joyce, my other daughter, gave me a white Teddy Bear, large and small.

This is the doll that I made for Mother.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 21

Question:  Share an early experience withe make-up.

Answer:  I couldn't wear make-up until I was in high school and went to dances.  Never no eye make-up, only a little rouge and lip stick.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 20

Question:  Did you ever make a purchase that you later regretted?

Answer:  Not that I can remember.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 19

Question:  Did you ever experience home sickness?

Answer: No.  [Well I sure did.  After Mark and I were married, Mother and Dad brought some things down to Provo for us.  When they left, I just couldn't quit crying.  I cried so hard that I got a nose bleed.  I really missed them and still do.  What a wonderful reunion we will have someday.  Miss you Mom and Dad.}

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mom Share Your Life with Me - August 18

Question:  Share your childhood experiences with roller skates.

Answer:  I loved to roller skate on the sidewalks.  But on ice is another story.  It doesn't work.  [And Mother would know about that.  Hopefully you have all heard the story about her and Aunt Atha roller skating on the slough in Roberts, Idaho.  It's hilarious!!!]